Strategic Purpose

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

My existence here on earth is not random or insignificant. This verse makes it clear that I have a strategic purpose – prepared in advance by God himself – to do good works. Based on God’s nature in dealing personally with individuals (attested to repeatedly throughout Scripture), this verse is not a general statement. Each individual Christian has a specific purpose in God’s plan, a specific calling to specific good works.

Father, I desire to walk obediently in the path you have prepared in advance for me, to do good works that please you and benefit the people you bring into my life. Sometimes the work I’m involved in doesn’t seem to fit together well or to have any great purpose. But I believe you have a vital goal in all you have called me into. Please show me where I’m off course so I can make corrections to follow your plans and not my own. Use me today among my co-workers to bring you glory.