Whatever You Do

1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

To glorify God is to acknowledge and reveal his majesty and splendor. Everything, no matter how small (or big), is to be done for God’s glory. I am to consecrate all of my life to him. This statement does not call out particularly “spiritual” activities like prayer or tithing or fasting. I certainly must do those things for God’s glory and never my own. But eating and drinking, which are daily, basic, and usually pleasurable activities, are also for glorifying God who created all things and who gives us the joy of shared meals and delicious foods and contented stomachs.

Father, thank you for food and drink, for fellowship at table, for a home which is a haven not only for my family, but also for people you continually bring to us. I praise you for opportunities to host friends and strangers. May I glorify you in everything I do, say, and think today.