Upside Down

Matthew 23:12 “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

The ways of God are counterintuitive, upside down from the way humans do things. Jesus speaks these words in the context of Pharisees who are “confident of their own righteousness and look down on everybody else” (Luke 18:9) and who “love the place of honor at feasts” (Matthew 23:6). The danger is to be confident in my own accomplishments and to love being honored and given preference. Why do we humans have such a strong drive to exalt ourselves? Why do I?

Father, too many times in my life have I made myself and others miserable because of this urge to be important, to leave a mark, to put myself first. Thank you for stopping me, for never tiring of putting obstacles in my path and safe exits so that I’ve rarely gotten very far in building up a tower of pride before you send a humbling wind to knock it down. May this day bring you honor as I work and serve you instead of myself.