
Proverbs 29:3 “Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in Spirit gain honor.”

God’s ways are often counterintuitive, and this proverb is a prime example. Thinking too highly of myself, thinking of myself as better than others, acting superior, bragging, and excluding people who are not like me are all markers of a prideful heart. With pride comes envy and bitterness over another’s success. Pursuing my own goals to puff myself up is a sure path to failure and ruin. Pride will bring a person to low places. This is especially true because of the harm it inflicts on relationships, resulting in emptiness, isolation, lost friendships, broken marriage, alienation from children. The opposite path, the path of humility (Philippians 2:3-4) brings a person closer to God. It is the path of trust. And true honor – not the flattery of fawning sycophants – comes from God and from people of integrity. It is deeply satisfying.

Father, I want to receive honor from you. Please keep me from swelling with self-satisfaction and arrogance as a result of your blessings on my life and work. All good things come from you.