Unintended Consequences

Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death.”

Many people have good intentions when they set out in a direction that impacts their families, their employees, their country. But any direction that rejects God and ignores truth will not only fail, but will bring bloodshed and misery. Examples abound: the socialist utopias of Maoist China and Leninist/Stalinist Russia, the free handouts of government welfare that trap human beings in political and moral slavery, the sexual revolution with its abortion mills and divorce courts. Following our own ways, we become diminished as human beings, reflecting less and less of God’s image and more and more of the Enemy’s. In everything, we must pray and seek guidance in God’s Word and in the wise counsel of mature believers. Only here can we find direction that will lead to life and hope.

Father, you are in control. Though the world seems bent on self-destruction, I know none of it surprises or intimidates you. Yet, we as limited human beings feel the threat of increasing darkness as the world erupts in daily news of horrific decisions, acts of terror, and deceptions. Please stop this world from hurtling in the direction of its own demented choices that only lead to destruction and death. Please bring revival through Jesus Christ.