
Psalm 104 (read the whole thing)

This psalm contains much of Genesis 1 and 2, but with more poetic imagery and more detail about God’s creative power and enduring provision. “How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all.” (104:24). The psalmist rejoices in the wonders of nature, the animal kingdom, the skies, the oceans, the blessing of God providing bodies of water to quench our thirst and plants growing from the soil to satisfy our hunger. How easily I have taken these things for granted when they are truly astonishing gifts from my Creator.

Father, you are my provider. You are the giver of life. You sustain this earth and equip mankind to tend it and multiply its yield. Yet we have been unfaithful and corrupt stewards in many ways. And we have forgotten you. Please awaken men and women to the truth of your existence, your love, your invitation to repent and receive forgiveness and rescue. Have mercy on us, O Lord.