More Love, Less Drama

Proverbs 15:16-17 “Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil. Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.”

When I honor God and love other human beings, I experience peace in my life, home, and workplace. Wealth means nothing in comparison. I have seen (and personally experienced) the turmoil and drama of being passed over for promotion – it can jar one’s life, consume one’s thoughts, and darken anything bright. If I make my focus climbing the corporate ladder, if I set my heart on gaining wealth and power, I will forever lack contentment. One achievement brings only brief satisfaction and then it’s on to the next rung of status and all the new drama that goes with that pursuit. With rare exceptions, the higher a person rises in any bureaucracy, the more he must be on guard against a growing number of rivals, and the more he attends to his own success rather than the success of the people around him and the company or nation he serves. How much better to seek God and love others, trusting in God’s provision while living in simplicity and peace.

Father, thank you for being my Provider. You give me what I need and surround me with shalom (wholeness, completeness, peace). If the material things disappear, I will still have you. Please let my work speak for itself. I leave the recognition to you.