The Secret to Prosperity

Psalm 128:1-2 “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.”

To fear God is to take him seriously. This means I don’t pick and choose when I want to obey him. I acknowledge that he is worthy of all my devotion. I strive to walk in his ways. Because God is invisible, however, it’s easy to yield to the temptation to forget him and to fear man, to put all my devotion and hopes into my job, to strive along a career ladder marked out by human beings. My work and the people around me and the stresses and urgencies of the day are near and tangible. That is why I must continuously keep in touch with God through prayer and through his Word. He is ever-present and always willing to guide. As this verse promises, by taking God seriously and following his guidance, I will eat the fruit of my labor and enjoy blessing and prosperity.

Father, when I honor and follow you, my life is at peace and I experience your blessing. Indeed, you have consistently provided what I need. You have given me a loving family, deep friendships, frequent enjoyment of my work, and contentment. These things are very rare indeed. Thank you, O God. Let me stay in touch with you today, listening to your voice and obeying you.