Pride and Disgrace

Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

The world excuses hubris in certain people: championship athletes, successful CEOs, award-winning actors, etc. Their haughty pride and self-absorption (think Michael Jordan or Steve Jobs) are often overlooked and even sometimes praised as character traits that led to their outsized accomplishments. But how does God look at such pride? As a disgrace. And it is indeed disgraceful for any human who is blessed with exceptional gifts and drive and opportunities when he or she takes personal credit instead of thanking God. Secondly, with humility comes wisdom. It does not come with wealth, power, or “success”, but with humility. This flies in the face of Rich Man’s Syndrome (RMS) – confusing wealth with wisdom. The humble man listens, seeks, takes correction, continually learns, waits, is grateful, obeys God, depends on God.

Father, thank you for your grace, generosity, and love toward me. I have no right to think of myself more highly than others. Please keep from me the tendency to take credit for the blessings in my life – all of which come from you.