The Whole World

1 John 5:19 “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

This marks a very clear separation: God’s way vs. the world’s way. As God’s child I must think and live according to my relationship with Jesus Christ and the teachings of his Word. The whole world system is under Satan’s control. To seek after the world’s approval and to indulge in its temptations is to turn away from God and embrace evil. By getting into God’s Word daily I can continually train myself to see through the subtle lies and the snares set to trap me, which render me miserable and ineffective (though never ceasing to remain God’s child).

Father, please protect me and my family today. I ask that we give no foothold to evil. We trust in you. Even as the world turns against you – and against us – we can still trust that your purposes will be accomplished. The church started in hostile territory and thrives today in oppressive nations. So may your church in America thrive and grow, come what may.