
Psalm 34:5 “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

Even in the worst of circumstances, a man or woman stands out because of trust in God. This verse says the one who looks to God, who depends on God, who has God-confidence instead of self-confidence, will be radiant (sending out light, shining brightly, glowing). And God takes away shame from the one who has received salvation, the one who trusts in God’s righteousness and not in self-righteousness.

Father, please make my life radiant with trust and confidence in you. How much this world needs to experience the radiance of faith in the lives of Christians who look to you. Please use me at home, at church, in my workplace, and in my neighborhood to magnify you. Please draw our children closer to you every day. And please shine your radiance throughout this land.