I Have Overcome the World

John 16:33 β€œIn this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The fact that this world is filled with trouble should not surprise anyone who follows Jesus; he predicted it. But Jesus has already won. He said these words to his disciples just before his prayers at Gethsemane and just before being betrayed and arrested. It was a time that looked like defeat and darkness, yet Jesus could confidently say – in the present tense – I have overcome the world.

Father, thank you that Jesus rose from the dead and that new life and victory is ours in Christ. Thank you that in the turmoil of this troubled world, you still bring peace and hope to your children. Despite the awful direction the world is descending into, you still have your people and you still fill them with unspeakable joy. Thank you for your presence with us and in us. Thank you for overcoming the world.