As Simple as Asking

James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

God is generous in giving what I need most for a successful life: wisdom. I only need to ask him. A successful life is not about wealth, status, power, or achievement. There are far too many miserable people who have attained all of those things without satisfaction and without joy, yet they continue to pursue more of the same in hopes that their lives will eventually produce meaning. Great talent and lofty IQ are no substitute for wisdom. The world is full of smart and talented fools.

Father, on my own I lack wisdom. I make poor choices when I try to handle things on my own. Please give me your wisdom – at work, in negotiations, among family members, in choosing where and how to serve, in sharing my faith. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and please fill my home with your presence so that all who enter are captivated by your love.