How Strange and Alien It Is

Hebrews 11:13 “… they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.”

What the world exalts and cherishes is not what Christians should value when it is steeped in pride, self-focus, and self-righteousness. Many influential voices today oppose the words and ways of Jesus Christ. We should not be surprised at being marginalized and censored, just as it was for Christians in the early church – and most times in history ever since. Today, Christians suffer horrific persecution in many parts of the world. Indeed, how strange and alien it is to follow Jesus.

Father, this world has no lack of lunacy, willful blindness, and self-deception. So many people ignore facts and reject truth, desiring instead to continue in their own hubris while lying to themselves. Please have mercy. Please awaken us. Please transform lives through your love.


A message to my readers: So far in 2021, the auto-posting feature of my blog has been inconsistent when connecting with Facebook and LinkedIn, requiring that I manually post on those social media sites. It’s not a sustainable way to run a daily blog. So, this will be my last week posting to Facebook and LinkedIn. I will continue to post on and email subscribers. If you are a reader on Facebook or LinkedIn but are not yet receiving posts in your inbox, please make sure to subscribe (it’s free) so you can continue to receive these posts beyond the end of January.