The Joyful Doorkeeper

Psalm 84:10 “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

The “tents of the wicked” promise all kinds of advantages and benefits and gratifications. But these lead to emptiness, regret, and shame in the end. Yet just one day in God’s presence, in the lowliest of roles serving him, is far greater than “success” apart from him. Am I seeking earthly position? Or am I seeking to serve wherever God puts me?

Father, I want no earthly status. I only want to serve and honor and love you. Please make my remaining time on this earth the most fruitful time of all. Use me to bring souls to Christ and to guide them into maturity. Please let me serve you with my wife and children and grandchildren and across the generations.