Wisdom and Wealth

Proverbs 8:18 “With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.”

This verse could be wrongly interpreted as a formula for increasing wealth and status: Just gain wisdom and you’ll get rich! But that line of thinking contradicts the vast collection of proverbs which teach otherwise, especially those that instruct that wisdom is worth far more than gold, silver, and jewels. Not to mention the inherent contradiction in trying to grow wise solely to reach an unwise goal that confuses prosperity with happiness. Living wisely does result in better financial choices, less debt, living within one’s means, and setting an enduring example for your children. There is peace and joy in tithing and in seeing God’s continuous provision as we depend on him. These blessings of wisdom, then, are the true riches, honor, enduring wealth, and prosperity that, underneath it all, human beings deeply crave.

Father, thank you for the financial peace you have brought to my life, for the increased trust you’ve grown in me as I’ve learned to increasingly depend on you in all circumstances, for the debts paid off, for the comforts of our home, for blessing our children, for even greatly enjoying my job at this time when I long ago stopped trying to climb the ladder. Your ways are the only path to true life.