Who Gets Your Special Attention?

James 2:1-4 “…don’t show favoritism…have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?”

Favoritism is a loss of, or twisting of, objectivity. If we consider what Christ has done for us, how utterly we owe him our obedience, and how much we are to show our gratitude by following in his steps, then we cannot disdain another human being. To show special attention to the rich and powerful (who some refer to as “the important people”) is called evil in James 2:4. I am to welcome all who God brings to me with the love, courtesy, and hospitality that God continually extends to me.

Father, thank you for welcoming me, a sinner, into your family. Thank you for showing patience and grace while I was yet rebellious, angry, and lost. Please use me and my family to reach out to others and to welcome all who you bring to us.