God’s Friend or His Enemy?

James 4:4 “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

These are strong words. The Bible is unambiguous: the world system is opposed to God. If I want to be a disciple, there is no place for me to seek the favor of this enemy, desire its approval, or even try conflict avoidance in order to fit in. Such behavior is adulterous, turning away from my covenant relationship with God to engage in what the world applauds – not just hedonism but also the smug, mocking, cynical, self-satisfaction of so many atheist professors, celebrities, talk show hosts, writers, and media stars. These people are my neighbors and I am called to love them, but never to love what they stand for.

Father, please keep your children from being lured into seeking the approval and friendship of the world system. Cleanse your church of this wherever it has taken root. We are aliens and strangers in this world and must not be surprised when we are rejected, mocked, and misunderstood – just as Jesus was. Please equip us with courage, love, and strength in your Spirit.