It Seems Right, but Is It?

Proverbs 16:2 “All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord.”

Proverbs 16:25 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death.”

To a Christian working in business, especially in an environment of climbing the corporate ladder in a large organization, it can be tempting to interpret worldly advice about success as harmless, even savvy and wise. Examples abound: Always seek more money because it enables more opportunities for you to give, so go for it! Blow your own horn and develop “brand you” – be all that God made you to be and achieve at work! If you don’t seek high office for yourself, a less worthy / less qualified / less moral person might get it!

These are subtle – maybe not so subtle – deceits that shift our focus from dependence on God to focus on ourselves. They are a way of repackaging status-seeking, greed, and thirst for power in a seemingly well-intentioned, Christian-like wrapping. But the ugly lust for worldly success lies within, only thinly disguised. These pursuits never end well. They always diminish life. We must surrender our motives to Christ and allow him to guide us. We must do excellent work as his representatives, but leave the career path to him without scheming to get ahead. In doing this right, we will find what our hearts long for most deeply: a life of purpose, joy, and community – and knowing the daily fellowship and love of God.

Father, if any of my ways are self-centered and self-promoting, yet I think them innocent, please wake me up to that. Please change me. You weigh my motives; I can’t hide any ugliness from you, because you see right through my self-justifying protests. Don’t let me waver today, no matter the temptation. I want to continue to experience the abundant life of Jesus.