Good to All, but Especially …

Galatians 6:10 “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

There is a continuing crisis engulfing Europe – hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East pouring into Western nations. Some are refugees, some are merely looking for a better job, some are terrorists and ideologues yearning to conquer the West. Most are Muslim, but Christians are among them. While it is important to do good to all – and the church should be in the lead in extending love to these foreigners – it is vital to care for fellow Christians among the refugees. These Middle Eastern Christians are truly running for their lives. They face extermination back home and even persecution from the Muslims who flee with them. This verse teaches that we must especially serve and care for these besieged Christians. They belong to the family of believers and are our true brothers and sisters.

Father, please show me what I must do to help my fellow Christians fleeing Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other Islamic-led nations. Protect your followers who risk their lives merely by going to church. May the upheaval bring you glory as courageous Christians serve the refugee populations and, through kindness and mercy, win souls to Jesus Christ.